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    Congratulations to Gerry Stryker, one of Remembrance 2023’s Pontius Pilate’s Bodyguard guides- with lead first aid responsibility- on receiving the Who Dares Cares charity’s Statuette for Volunteer of the Year

    1. Well done Gerry hope your still following the Hoops . all the best Moe


    This temporary Royal Scots Museum exhibition was designed to help maintain the name of The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) in the consciousness of the communities that have supported us over the years, by way of ensuring our enduring legacy.

    That it succeeded is demonstrated by the more than 700 adult visitors and eight school parties who viewed the exhibition, and the testimonies recorded in the visitors’ book and the on-line surveys, the results of which will be published separately.

    We are indebted to Dalkeith Country Park for hosting us in the Palace and the outstanding service of the Pontius Pilates’ Bodyguard Volunteer Guides along with our regular Museum Volunteers; and partnerships with SCOTS, the RS Club, Dalkeith Museum, Poppy Scotland, Scotland at War re-enactors, National Records Scotland and the Lothian Families Historic Society.

    Very many of our visitors contributed information and a large number of Old Royals and their families, sometimes of three generations, visited.

    A fuller report will be published in The Thistle and it is intended to repeat the exhibition elsewhere in the Regimental area next Remembrance Week.

    Up The Royals!

  3. Mr GSE Benham

    It is with great sadness that we report the death at the age of 97 on 28 October 2023 of Mr Gerald Samuel Ernest Benham, 7/9RS 1945. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. The funeral will be held at 1100 on Friday 17 November 2023 at St Nicholaas Church, Baydon, Marlborough, Wilshire.

  4. The Dalkeith Palace event was really good, very informative exhibits, friendly helpful staff and things that were new to me. I was pleased to hear all about this noble and prestigious regiment and it’s sense of pride. All the best.

  5. Stewart Snedden Memorial Golf Match

    This event will take place on Fri 31 May 2024 at Newbattle Golf Club. See the page on Upcoming Events for more details.

    Payment is now due. If you have registered or which to attend, either as a golfer or caddie, please make the appropriate payment no later than 30 Nov 2023.

  6. Remembrance Transport 12 Nov 2023

    Edinburgh Poppy Cabs is offering veterans free transport for Remembrance on Sun 12 Nov 2023.

    Please see the message from Don Pujdak, received via Legion Scotland.

    I am pleased to offer complimentary transportation services by Edinburgh Poppy Cabs for Veterans in our community. At Edinburgh Poppy Cabs, we recognize the immense bravery and selflessness shown by Our Veterans. We believe it is our responsibility to support those who dedicated their lives to preserving our freedom and protecting our nation. As a token of gratitude, we are delighted to provide transportation services at no cost into and from Remembrance Services on Sunday 12th of November 2023. Our comprehensive transportation services include trips into and from Sunday Remembrance Services organised in various locations in Edinburgh. We have a fleet of black cabs, driven by experienced and courteous drivers, who will ensure pleasant and reliable transportation services.

    Please contact Edinburgh Poppy Cabs at 0750 675 8144 where our friendly and dedicated staff will guide Veterans through the process of scheduling their transportation, ensuring their convenience and satisfaction.

    We understand the importance of these transportation services in ensuring the well-being and mobility of Our Veterans, especially for those who may have limited access to other means of transportation.

  7. Regimental Remembrance Service

    The main Royal Scots Regimental Remembrance Service will be held at the Glencorse Memorial on Saturday 11 November. All members of the Regimental Family are welcome. Please arrive by 1030 so that the service can commence at 1045. There will be a curry lunch in the Barracks following the service. To assist in planning please inform if you will be attending, stating whether you will be at the service only or staying for lunch, and whether you will be accompanied by family and friends.


    Too bad rain stopped play on Sunday. Nevertheless, a grand turnout, of whom a number enquired how preparations are going for our temporary museum exhibition at Dalkeith palace 4 – 8 November – “Connecting People, The Royal Scots and Dalkeith Palace through Remembrance”. The answer is very well, and I was going to have said as much while we were having our tea afterwards but for the rain, so here it is now.

    As I’ve already said, the idea is to help keep our Regiment’s name and reputation in public consciousness throughout the Regimental area on which we depended for moral and other support over the years. A strong team of Pontius Pilate’s Bodyguard volunteer guides has stepped forward and they will be vital in delivering success. Much energy has gone into mustering exhibits and explanatory information boards covering the Boer War, First World War, Second World War and the post War era right up to 2006. There is a strong Dalkeith and Midlothian theme with supporting exhibits and stories, although in future years it is intended to repeat the exhibition in Edinburgh, East and West Lothian and Peeblesshire, also with local emphasis. We are delivering this in partnership with Dalkeith Palace, The Royal Scots Club, Dalkeith Museum, SCOTS, Poppy Scotland, National Records Scotland, Lothian Families Historical Society and Living History re-enactors.

    Come and visit. Bring family and friends. IT’S FREE! However, you need to book a time slot via the link below. This is to control the numbers inside the Palace to a manageable throughput of 60 pax per hour. Any questions? Contact me at

    1. Hope the Fallen Comrades Golfers aren’t weathered off again this Sunday and that you all have a good day out.

      Please remember that the “Connecting People, The Royal Scots and Dalkeith Palace through Remembrance” exhibition at Dalkeith Palace continues right through to Wednesday 8th November, so come along.

      We had a very promising opening day today with much interest being shown in our Regiment from the good folk of Dalkeith, Midlothian and beyond. A good number of Old Royals over the years appeared, many with their families and it was good to catch up.

      For more detail, go to . It’s no longer necessary for Old Royals and their families to book a time slot, just come along. If coming, please park in the main car park and not in front of the Palace which is reserved for Blue Badge holders.

      Up The Royals!


  9. 29 October 1680

    The Regiment had been involved in the defence of Tangier for a number of months and this culminated at the end of October with a major assault on positions held by the Moors, which led to a six-month truce. For its part in this action, the Regiment was awarded the battle honour Tangier 1680. It is the earliest battle honour held by the Regiment.

  10. 22 OCTOBER

    On 22 Oct 1918 Lieutenant David McGregor 6RS, whilst serving with the 29th Battalion The Machine Gun Corps on the Western Front in the vicinity of Hoogmolen, near Kortrijk, Belgium, displayed conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty by re-siting his guns under heavy fire to ensure the success of the attack. For his gallantry Lieutenant McGregor was awarded the Victoria Cross.

    1. Well done Gerry hope your still following the Hoops . all the best Moe

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