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  1. ADEN DEPLOYMENT 1964/65
    I have joined the Aden veteran’s website and found a long report on the deployment of 1RS. The emergency in Aden took place between 1963 – 1967 and 92 service personnel were killed as well as hundreds of UK civilians. We lost one soldier, 23980256 Pte Bonnes J in an RTA. You can find the report under “Aden and the Radfan – The Royal Scots”. There are some photos and long reports on the operations that took place “up country”.
    A number of you will remember some of the following names mentioned in the report, COs Taylor and Currie, Robert Watson, Francis Gibb, Robert Sandeman, Gordon O’Neil Roe, Patrick Moore, RSM Les Skinner, CSMs Bill Cannan, Steve Simson and Sgt Larry Gilbert. Major General Campbell, Colonel of the Regiment, visited the Regiment and there are details of how John McNichol won his MM on 29th May 1964.
    Certainly, worth looking at.


    “Come all ye fighting soldiers, and Scotsmen from the glen,
    It’s not too late to book in and join the gallant men …. !”

    PURPOSE OF THIS EMAIL. The purpose of this email is to remind you all that:
    – The next formal lunch in the Douglas Room will not be until September 2025.
    – However, 14 September 2024 has been selected as the date for an informal lunch this year.

    LUNCH DISCOUNT. Further to the information below, Trustees have agreed a subsidy of £10 per person. How will this work?
    – Book in direct with the RS Club as per the detail below – it’s not too early to be doing so.
    – 1230 meet in the Main Lounge and Bar.
    – 1300 order your lunch from the multiple choice menu of the day in the Dining Room.
    – When you come to settle your bill at the table, you will get a £10 discount per person in your party.

    ACCOMMODATION DISCOUNT. Anyone requiring accommodation can contact or call 0131 556 4270, explaining attendance at the event for 20% off – 30% off for RS Club members. Two nights minimum stay operates over Saturdays.


    1230. Gather in the RS Club Main Lounge and Bar.
    1300. Lunch in the Dining Room. Choose from the menu of the day and settle your bill at the table. Table sizes will depend on numbers. The more the merrier.
    1430. Retire to the Main Lounge and Bar.

    BOOK DIRECT WITH THE RS CLUB. The key to success will be booking direct with the Club. If attending on 14 September 2024, contact the Club direct on 0131 525 6160 (Dining Room) or 0131 556 4270 (General Enquiries) in order to book, and do so NOW. Please book direct with the Club and not through me, although please let me know that you will be attending.

    FURTHER INFORMATION. Keep an eye open for further information at on the Guestbook, Forecast of Events and Notices.

    GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING. I am not at all confident of having everyone’s contact details. Therefore, if you’re aware of anyone I’ve missed off the distribution list of the email you should have received from me, please forward this to them – and alert me to their contact details so that I can update my records.

    Best wishes and looking forward to seeing as many of you, and your ladies, as may be available on the day.


    Jim Blythe


    The Nagpore Dinner will be held on Friday 25 October 2024 in The Royal Scots Club. Further details can be found on the Upcoming Events page.

  4. Mr George Geddes

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 7 Aug 2024 of Mr George Wardlaw Geddes. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Further details will be promulgated when known.


    PURPOSE OF THIS EMAIL. The purpose of this email is to remind you all that:
    – The next formal lunch in the Douglas Room will not be until September 2025.
    – However, 14 September 2024 has been selected as the date for an informal lunch this year.

    LUNCH DISCOUNT. Further to the information below, Trustees have agreed a subsidy of £10 per person. How will this work?
    – Book in direct with the RS Club as per the detail below – it’s not too early to be doing so.
    – 1230 meet in the Main Lounge and Bar.
    – 1300 order your lunch from the multiple choice menu of the day in the Dining Room.
    – When you come to settle your bill at the table, you will get a £10 discount per person in your party.

    ACCOMMODATION DISCOUNT. Anyone requiring accommodation can contact or call 0131 556 4270, explaining attendance at the event for 20% off – 30% off for RS Club members. Two nights minimum stay operates over Saturdays.


    1230. Gather in the RS Club Main Lounge and Bar.
    1300. Lunch in the Dining Room. Choose from the menu of the day and settle your bill at the table. Table sizes will depend on numbers. The more the merrier.
    1430. Retire to the Main Lounge and Bar.

    BOOK DIRECT WITH THE RS CLUB. The key to success will be booking direct with the Club. If attending on 14 September 2024, contact the Club direct on 0131 525 6160 (Dining Room) or 0131 556 4270 (General Enquiries) in order to book, and do so no later than two weeks in advance, i.e. no later than Friday 30 August 2024. Please book direct with the Club and not through me, although please let me know that you will be attending.

    FURTHER INFORMATION. Keep an eye open for further information at on the Guestbook, Forecast of Events and Notices.

    GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING. I am not at all confident of having everyone’s contact details. Therefore, if you’re aware of anyone I’ve missed off the distribution list of the email you should have received from me, please forward this to them – and alert me to their contact details so that I can update my records.

    Best wishes and looking forward to seeing as many of you, and your ladies, as may be available on the day.


    Jim Blythe


    DISCOUNT. Further to the information below, Trustees have agreed a subsidy of £10 per person. How will this work?

    – Book in direct with the RS Club as per the detail below – it’s not too early to be doing so.
    – 1230 meet in the Main Lounge and Bar.
    – 1300 order your lunch from the multiple choice menu of the day in the Dining Room.
    – When you come to settle your bill at the table, you will get a £10 discount per person in your party.

    THE THISTLE. An article on last year’s Band lunch is now available in the most recent edition of The Thistle, at Thislte_2023_Winter_Vol_44_-1.pdf (

    THIS EMAIL. The purpose of this email is to remind you all that:

    – The next formal lunch in the Douglas Room will not be until September 2025.

    – However, 14 September 2024 has been selected as the date for an informal lunch this year. The format for 14 September 2024 will be:
    1230. Gather in the RS Club Main Lounge and Bar.
    1300. Lunch in the Dining Room. Choose from the menu of the day and settle your bill at the table. Table sizes will depend on numbers. The more the merrier.
    1430. Retire to the Main Lounge and Bar.

    BOOK DIRECT WITH THE RS CLUB. The key to success will be booking direct with the Club. If attending on 14 September 2024, contact the Club direct on 0131 525 6160 (Dining Room) or 0131 556 4270 (General Enquiries) in order to book, and do so no later than two weeks in advance, i.e. no later than Friday 30 August 2024. Please book direct with the Club and not through me, although please let me know that you will be attending.

    FURTHER INFORMATION. Keep an eye open for further information at on the Guestbook, Forecast of Events and Notices.

    GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING. I am not at all confident of having everyone’s contact details. Therefore, if you’re aware of anyone I’ve missed off the distribution list of the email you should have received from me, please forward this to them – and alert me to their contact details so that I can update my records.

    Best wishes and looking forward to seeing as many of you, and your ladies, as may be available on the day.


    Jim Blythe

  7. Stewart Snedden Memorial Golf – Friday 30 May 2025

    The next Stewart Snedden Memorial Golf will be held at Kingsknowe Golf Club, 326 Lanark Road, Edinburgh, EH14 2JD on Friday 30 May 2025.

    If you wish to take part then kindly read and fill in the “Booking Form”.

    Access to the booking form can be found at;

    Go to, scroll to the Stewart Snedden Memorial Golf advert and scan the QR code.

    Or click on the this link

    Or send an email and you will receive an automatic response with the link and QR Code.

    Again we will set up a WhatsApp Group and Email Group so we can pass on information.

    Please can you kindly share this information with others who may wish to attend.

    We look forward to seeing you there.

    The Admin Mob


    THE THISTLE. An article on last year’s Band lunch is now available in the most recent edition of The Thistle, at Thislte_2023_Winter_Vol_44_-1.pdf (

    THIS EMAIL. The purpose of this email is to remind you all that:

    – The next formal lunch in the Douglas Room will not be until September 2025.

    – However, 14 September 2024 has been selected as the date for an informal lunch this year. The format for 14 September 2024 will be:
    1230. Gather in the RS Club Main Lounge and Bar.
    1300. Lunch in the Dining Room. Choose from the menu of the day and settle your bill at the table. Table sizes will depend on numbers. The more the merrier.
    1430. Retire to the Main Lounge and Bar.

    BOOK DIRECT WITH THE RS CLUB. The key to success will be booking direct with the Club. If attending on 14 September 2024, contact the Club direct on 0131 525 6160 (Dining Room) or 0131 556 4270 (General Enquiries) in order to book, and do so no later than two weeks in advance, i.e. no later than Friday 30 August 2024. Please book direct with the Club and not through me, although please let me know that you will be attending.

    FURTHER INFORMATION. Keep an eye open for further information at on the Guestbook, Forecast of Events and Notices.

    GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING. I am not at all confident of having everyone’s contact details. Therefore, if you’re aware of anyone I’ve missed off the distribution list of the email you should have received from me, please forward this to them – and alert me to their contact details so that I can update my records.

    Best wishes and looking forward to seeing as many of you, and your ladies, as may be available on the day.


    Jim Blythe

  9. Annual Korean War Memorial Service

    The annual service to commemorate the end of the Korean War will be held at 1100 on Saturday 27 Jul 2024 at the Scottish Korean War Memorial, Witchcraig Wood, Torphicen, West Lothian.

    All those attending are asked to arrive between 1030 and 1045 the service will commence at 1100. There is free car parking on site and a reception will be held directly after the service in the Bathgate Royal British Legion Club, 50 North Bridge Street, Bathgate, EH48 4PL. All are welcome to attend.


    Please visit NOTICES to view a selection of photos from the very successful exhibition to engage and communicate with the community about the First of Foot’s 373 Years heritage.

    Sincere thanks to Hearts FC for hosting the exhibition as part of their 150th Celebrations, and to all those both in our Regimental Family and from external organisations for their support and assistance to the Regimental Museum Outreach Team.

    Over 800 visitors experienced the reaching- out from our physical Museum in Edinburgh Castle to people in our former recruiting area exhibition.

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