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  1. Mr Allan Hunter

    Funeral details for Allan Hunter. Friday 1st of November, 1400hrs at Daldowie Crematorium, Glasgow. G71 7RU followed by gathering at Garfield Hotel, Stepps. G33 6HW.If attending, no flowers please, donations can be made on the day to The Beatson Hospital/Pancreatic Cancer Research. If possible, wear a splash of purple (deep).

  2. Service in memory of Cpl Bell and Pte Cummings

    A service to mark the 30th anniversary and rededication of The Royal Scots Memorial Cairn in memory of Corporal William Bell and Private Richard Cummings will be held at 1pm on Friday 22 November 2024 at the Memorial Cairn next to the A9 just south of Dalwhinnie.

    Further details can be found on he Upcoming Events page via the link:

    1. Rest In Peace Wullie & Ritchie

      My thoughts will be with you both on this very sad day

  3. I’ve been asked to forward the following.

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 21st October of Mr Allan Hunter. Allan joined the The Royal Scots in Kirknewton in 1984 and served in Kirknewton, Werl, West Belfast, Glencorse, South Armagh and Fort George , he left The Royals in 1994, brother of George Hunter and Brother in Law of Derek Notman. Allan passed away today after short battle with cancer. Further details will be promulgated when known.

    1. Deepest Condolences to The Hunter Family and friends.Many memories of Allan in A Coy Werl.R.I.P. Allan until The Grandiozo Re-org Bro.

      1. Rest In Peace Allan,

        I also remember you very well from our Werl & Fort George days

    2. Funeral details for Allan Hunter. Friday 1st of November, 1400hrs at Daldowie Crematorium, Glasgow. G71 7RU followed by gathering at Garfield Hotel, Stepps. G33 6HW.If attending, no flowers please, donations can be made on the day to The Beatson Hopital/Pancreatic Cancer Research. If possible, wear a splash of purple(deep).

  4. I’ve been asked to post the following details.

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 21st October 2024 of Brian McCann, Brian served with Regiment from1966 and left in 1972, Brian served in Aden and Northern Ireland, Brian was in Support Company Mortar Platoon.. Further details will be promulgated when known.

    1. Condolences to the family and friends at the loss of Brian McCann.R.I.P. Bro Royal until The Gradiozo Re-org Bro.

  5. Menu for the Forthcoming Dinner Night Fri 25th Oct.
    you still have Time to get your Names in.
    Can all Members Going, provide me with their partner or Guests Names Thanks.
    Any Dietary Needs or Dislikes can you notify me as soon as possible this information needs to be in no later than the 18th Oct. ta.

    And The Menu is:

    Smoked salmon and cream cheese mousse, artisan biscuits.

    Supreme of chicken with a cock-a-leekie stuffing & chicken gravy
    Selection of vegetables and potatoes.

    Fine apple tart with vanilla ice cream

    Freshly brewed tea & coffee.

    Also Included are 2x Glasses of your preferred wine
    Red, White Or Rose. all Hooooose

    Hopefully this will suit but let me know if not.

  6. It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Ruby McCulloch, on 25th Sept.
    Ruby was the Wife of the late WO2 Kenny McCulloch and Mum of the late C/Sgt Jimmy McCulloch both 1RS.
    Ruby’s Funeral will be held on Fri 11th Oct at 10am at St Peters R.C. Church Carmondeans, Livingston. Then onto Mid Calder Cemetery, where Ruby will be laid to rest.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with the whole family at this sad time.

    1. So very sad to hear of Auntie Ruby’s passing. Thinking of everyone at this sad time xx

  7. Mr Terry Douglas

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 28 Sep 2024 of Mr Terry Douglas. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. The funeral will be held at 1100 on Mon 14 Oct 2024 at West Lothian Crematorium, Off Starlaw Rd, Livingston EH54 7FD.

    1. I’m so very saddened to hear about the passing of my old friend Terry Douglas, many a great night we had together swinging the lamp shades in Benson’s Bar, Dalry Road, in my pad or yours during my time in Edinburgh and down The Scottish Borders. I will be miss you dearly my old friend, sorry for losing touch, my thoughts and prayers go out to all your family at this very sad time, my apologies to all concerned for not being able to attend Terry’s funeral.
      I will be thinking of you on Monday 14th October at 11am Rest In Peace Terry.

    2. My Deepest Condolences to all family and friends sadly missed RIP Mucker


    Six Regimental Band stalwarts including their ladies gathered for the advertised informal lunch in the RS Club last Saturday. We met in the bar, lunched in the dining room subsidised by a generous grant from Regimental Trustees, and told tall tales of yesteryear over coffee afterwards in the library.

    This year’s informal arrangement was in response to the question asked of Band members after last year’s lunch, i.e. whether to hold lunches every year or every two years. Predictable, there was a 50/50 split. Hence trying an informal arrangement this year and a formal one next year. Next year’s lunch will be a formal one in the Douglas Room, as per last year, already booked for Saturday 13 September 2025, with another formal one in 2027 – unless there is any appetite for another, smaller informal one in 2026.

    Meanwhile, whether a member or not, use the RS Club for meals in the dining room, bar lunches, morning coffee, afternoon tea, or simply for refreshments in the bar. The difference between being a member and not is that members qualify for the members discount. But be sure to declare that you are an Old Royal, in order to keep the RS flag flying!

    Looking forward to seeing you next September – and hopefully before.

    Any questions? Contact me at



  9. Mr Michael O’Connor

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 27 Aug 2024 of Mr Michael O’Connor. Our thoughs are with his family and friends. The funeral will be held at 1030 on Thu 12 Sep 2024 at Tranent Cemetery, Tranent, EH33 1DS.

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